Trusted above all.

Foam system solutions

    Viking foam systems…

    … ideally suited for protecting special hazard risks

    Foam suppression systems are designed to limit fire damage in many challenging and high risk applications.

    A foam-water system is a special system of pipe connected to a source of foam concentrate and a water supply. The system also requires appropriate discharge devices to control and/or extinguish most Class A and Class B fires. The piping system is connected to the water supply through a control valve (wet, dry, deluge, preaction, flow control) that is actuated by the operation of automatic detection equipment that is installed in the same areas as the discharge devices.

    Foam-water systems are designed to distribute a foam-water solution to a specific hazard area within a protected facility. Typical facilities are incineration plants, logistics centres, aircraft hangars and areas where flammable-liquid spill fires may occur, such as refineries. The type and potential size of the hazard determines the number of discharge devices, type of foam concentrate, and foam-water discharge rate and duration.

    A typical foam system consists of the following components that are tested, approved and/or listed together:

    • Foam bladder tank
    • Proportioning device
    • Foam concentrate
    • Discharge device – compatible, tested and approved with specific foam concentrates in accordance with FM5130 and/or UL162

    Characteristics of some flammable products may require higher densities and special foam liquid concentrates. NFPA 11 and EN13565-2 contain requirements for foam-water systems, with requirements for foam systems also found in NFPA 13, NFPA 16, NFPA 30, NFPA 409, and NFPA 418.

    Illustration of a foam suppression system

    1 Fire detector
    2 VFR Release control panel
    3 Alarm gong
    4 Solenoid valve
    5 PORV Pressure operated relief valve
    6 Deluge valve
    7 BVG Butterfly valve
    8 VRC Ratio controller
    9 CCV Concentrate control valve
    10 VFT Foam bladder tank


    1 Fire detector
    2 VFR Release control panel
    3 Alarm gong
    4 Solenoid valve
    5 PORV Pressure operated relief valve
    6 Deluge valve
    7 BVG Butterfly valve
    8 VRC Ratio controller
    9 CCV Concentrate control valve
    10 VFT Foam bladder tank

    VFTV – Vertical foam bladder tank

    Why are we different?

    Viking is committed to providing systems and components that can demonstrate the required level of performance in a fire scenario. This is why many of our systems and products carry FM approval (to FM5130) and/or have UL listings (to UL162).

    These test standards require that the components parts are tested together to form a fixed foam suppression system. Viking is able to offer several approved system solutions that include the foam concentrate, proportioning device, storage tank and discharge device, which give test standard and code compliance, meaning peace of mind for you and your client.

    Synthetic fluorine free foam (SFFF)

    Synthetic fluorine free foam (SFFF) has now been fully integrated into our product with a market leading range of discharge devices and fuel group approvals and listings. Viking was the first manufacturer to introduce a product line for the protection of polar solvents with FM Approval. We are not finished… we are constantly adding additional products and data to the product line in accordance with market demands.

    Many of our products have also been tested to local approval standards and EN13565-1 – details of which can be found inside the relevant product sheet or technical data page.

    Note: “SFFF compatible” refers to this product as being part of a SFFF Foam system that has been tested to recognised standards. Not all configurations are available. Please consult technical data and/or the Approval/Listing for usage requirements. SFFF stands for synthetic fluorine free foam.

    Image sources: AdobeStock | Viking S.A.